Shahrukh Khan will now share screen with newbie Siddharth Malhotra. If rumours are to be believed, the duo will be sharing screen space in Karan Johar’s next movie.
The rumours regarding the star cast started the day Karan Johar announced that he will be making a period drama. They started with only Ranbir Kapoor starring in the movie without Shahrukh Khan. Next there was buzz that Ranbir Kapoor walked out when Shahrukh Khan was finalised. All because he didn’t want to be over shadowed by the King Khan! The next rumour was that Ranbir and his hot cousin Kareena Kapoor were finalised. Well in the end all of these just turned out to be rumours.
The whole deal about Shahrukh Khan being a part of the period drama is because Karan Johar’s father,the late Yash Johar wanted to star Shahrukh Khan and was quite adamant that the partition-based film will star only Shahrukh. So how could Karan deny his father’s wish? And hence we now have Shahrukh starring in the untitled period drama. Whatever the reason behind starring SRK was, we can be sure that newbie Siddharth is very happy.
The rumours regarding the star cast started the day Karan Johar announced that he will be making a period drama. They started with only Ranbir Kapoor starring in the movie without Shahrukh Khan. Next there was buzz that Ranbir Kapoor walked out when Shahrukh Khan was finalised. All because he didn’t want to be over shadowed by the King Khan! The next rumour was that Ranbir and his hot cousin Kareena Kapoor were finalised. Well in the end all of these just turned out to be rumours.
The whole deal about Shahrukh Khan being a part of the period drama is because Karan Johar’s father,the late Yash Johar wanted to star Shahrukh Khan and was quite adamant that the partition-based film will star only Shahrukh. So how could Karan deny his father’s wish? And hence we now have Shahrukh starring in the untitled period drama. Whatever the reason behind starring SRK was, we can be sure that newbie Siddharth is very happy.