Seven SUCCESSFUL bloggers secrets

Seven SUCCESSFUL bloggers secrets

  1. Volume blogging:
    The average number of posts published by a successful blogger every week is an estimated 28 (that is 4 posts a day). When you publish this many posts you not only increase your blog readership but the search engines notice your blog more and come back to revisit every day. Getting a large number of traffic sent to your blog via search engines can increase your readership by a large percentage bringing in visitors from all over the globe.
  2. Value blogging:
    We all want to write about stuff that no one else has thought of writing or has written about yet but it never quite happens because someone always gets there first. I’m not talking about every time but at least once a week a successful blogger will write a blog post that he/she knows will attract attention. That’s called value blogging. It might be a list of tips and tricks from the web or a list of the top 10 must use plugins but successful bloggers know it’s what people want to read about and it’s those articles that’s gets them the hits. Something else successful bloggers want to write about are upcoming events. They will research them in advance, find out what’s happening and then write an interesting article about tha event…somethng their readers will want to hear about and hit PUBLISH. These bloggers are smart because they know that aound that time people will start searching and they will get all the hits.
  3. Decide the brand
    Successful bloggers place a high importance on personal branding. Take Problogger for instance, Darren Rowse recently changed his theme with a total new look and logo. The goal of successful branding is to visibly associate the organization, product or service with an image or identity in the mind of the audience. If you want to establish the brand use a noticeable logo, favicon even brand the RSS feeds.
  4. Run blogging contests
    Blogging contests are a great way to get traffic and create excitement. Participating in contests, with other bloggers isn’t just fun to do. It’s also a great way to increase your blog’s audience and build backlinks to your site
  5. Encouraging guest posts
    A successful blogger will invite other bloggers to write guest posts for their blog. Think about it, if any blog reaps over 1000 visits a day then wouldn’t you want to write for that blog? In this case both the blogger and the guest benefit. The blogger gets a free post and the guest gets a free link.
  6. Intensive blogging
    By Intensive blogger we mean someone sitting down, researching and developing their ideas and writing several posts in one or two days, this is the single-most secret that any successful blogger doesn’t want to tell. The secret is this, they don’t publish all theposts on the same day but they will schedule them for publication and then forget about them. This way they don’t have to worry about that blog for a few days and can concentrate on another.
  7. Revenue streams
    Google Adsense is the most popular and common program for making money (It;s the easiest money making choice that everyone has heard of). A successful blogger has as a minimum of 10 different revenue programs apart from Google Adsense including affiliates. Some of these are Text link-Ads, Blog Mastermind, Auction Ads, BlogRush and Chitika eMiniMalls. Not many know about these.

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