Goody gained fame initially at 21 in 2002, when she joined the reality television show “Big Brother,” as a highly divisive star, first considered ignorant, but then celebrated as a forthright everywoman.
She ended up becoming a celebrity, earning millions through television and magazine appearances, an autobiography, a perfume and a series of exercise videos. After being diagnosed with cervical cancer, many empathized with Goody as she underwent surgery and chemotherapy in the public eye, filming part of the experience for another television series.
In February 2009 Goody’s publicist said the cancer had spread to her liver, bowel and groin. Shortly after, a bald and frail Goody, married fiancee Jack Tweed in an elaborate event staged at an elegant countryside hotel outside London. She reportedly sold the photos for more than $1 million. Goody defended being paid for interviews and photo shoots because the money was meant for her sons future.
Goody is survived by her mother, Jackiey Budden, Tweed and her two sons Bobby and Freddie, with an ex-boyfriend, television presenter Jeff Brazier.