She come out to have had either too much fat grafting or huge implants, placed by a cosmetic surgeon who also did not know what he or she was doing, or unluckily did not think about.
Unluckily, her face does not seem the same, in these above pictures from before she looks in fact beautiful, she may has earlier a nose surgery and breast implants, but in normal she was seem beautiful Then something occur, she come into view to have implants, her nose looks thinner and not usual and it might be that she find also raise.
Lil’ Kim had surgery a only some months before, with some wonder that she finished a breast implants, a nose job, a brow lift. But later than she look at the “Sex and the City” first night, the report may be begin that she go back under the dagger. currently she will be compare her self with cat.
Lil' Kim on plastic surgery
It truly is getting harder to support Kimberly "Lil' Kim" Jones, especially after my interview with her on Friday for BET.com.
When she was finally ready for our phone interview from Los Angeles (after being one hour and forty-five minutes late), I asked her a diverse amount of questions about Dancing With The Stars, hip-hop and more.
With only a limited amount of time, I eventually went to the question everyone wants to know and the main question that was submitted. I gave her the option to not answer and nicely asked, "Let me ask you this Kim, this is a big question that we get from everybody and you can decide if you don't want to answer it. There is a perception in the African-American community that Lil' Kim didn’t like the way she looked as a black woman so she got plastic surgery to make herself look less black. What's your reaction --"
BAM! The call ends.
Her extremely nice publicist calls minutes later and tried to sell me a story that she had to get off the call because she was walking into rehearsals. Yeah right, I listened to the audio and it's clear she hung up. If you are being rushed away you would say, "I'm sorry, I have to go - thank you BET for all your support." Nothing. The publicist tells me, "Oh - she would never hang up, especially if you gave her the option to not answer. Never!" Stop the madness, I got no time for fake ones.
It isn't a problem that she didn't want to answer the question -- plenty of celebrity pass on questions, but to hang up is ridiculous. Lil' Kim needs to realize that my time is just as valuable as hers. To hang up on a journalist, and especially BET who has supported her from the start of her career, is completely disrespectful. She has been in the industry for almost 15 years and didn't have enough tact to just say, "I don't want to talk about that." I wasn't given a list of questions I couldn't ask. Furthermore, I respect when someone declines to talk about something. I have even taken out questions that a celebrity has answered but their publicist wanted out.
Lil' Kim's plastic surgery is confusing for many of her supporters and she has rarely addressed it. Kim wouldn't disconnect on Vanity Fair or People --- oh, yeah, Vanity Fair or People wouldn't want to interview Kim, even if she considers herself to be the "Black Madonna." Does Kim want the support of the African-American community? Or are we just a bunch of darkies in Kim land?
In the interview she said, "I love who I am." I don't believe it. Kimberly Jones strikes me as an insecure woman with extreme self-esteem issues who has been deeply affected by fame. Plenty of people have talked about surgery and said it with confidence -- Vivica A. Fox, Dolly Parton, Cher and more. If you're going to chop your face up -- own it!