Bollywood actor Vidya Balan has now donned a Maharashtrian avatar for a lavani number called Mala Jau De! in Vidu Vinod chopra's film Ferrari Ki Sawaari.
According to a media report. this is Vidya Balan's first item song and she spent over three weeks rehearsing for it with a local troupe from Kolhapur.
Director rajesh Mapuskar insisted that Vidya work with auhentic lavani dancers and even choreographed the song.
Mala Jau De! was shot over three days and Vidya didn't take long to get the expressions and movements right.
So, get ready to watch the Ooh La La girl in a different role.
According to a media report. this is Vidya Balan's first item song and she spent over three weeks rehearsing for it with a local troupe from Kolhapur.
Director rajesh Mapuskar insisted that Vidya work with auhentic lavani dancers and even choreographed the song.
Mala Jau De! was shot over three days and Vidya didn't take long to get the expressions and movements right.
So, get ready to watch the Ooh La La girl in a different role.
Vidya Balan