Fans want Salman and Shahrukh to patch up!

Four years is a long time for ruffled egos to smoothen out, for two feuding individuals to get over their grudges and let bygones be bygones. Voicing this very sentiment the fans of Salman Khan and Shahrukh Khan have voted in favour of the two stars patching up.

In our new ApunKaChoice poll we asked the fans if they would like to see Salman and Shahrukh iron out their differences and make up for good. Their cold war has been on and off throughout their friendship, but the fight at Katrina Kaif’s birthday in 2008 was the last blow that still festers four years on.

Recently, Shahrukh Khan minced no words in asserting that a public patch-up with Salman Khan will never happen. He also ruled out doing any film, ever, with Salman. However, he also added that he harbours no animosity or grudge against Sallu.

On the other hand, Salman Khan hasn’t as much as reacted to SRK’s denials of a truce.

In the light of these developments we posed the question to our readers and got 1101 responses, out of which 44 percent said they want to see Shahrukh Khan and Salman Khan become friends again. 31.5 percent of voters were indifferent to the feud and 24.5 percent thought that Salman and Shahrukh can’t stay friends for long so there’s no need for the patch-up.

While we respect the varied opinions of the fans, we feel there’s no quarrel that can’t be sorted out, given the parties involved have the intention and goodwill.

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