Bhojpuri film actor Dinesh Lal Yadav aka Nirahua, who is the surprise eviction this week from the ‘Bigg Boss’ house, says he is not upset about it and hopes the show gives him more recognition.
This is the second eviction for Yadav, who was a re-entry into the house.
“This is a very big platform, a lot of people have benefited from it so I hope it heps me also to build name. People know me in Bhojpuri cinema but it is important to have a name in bigger industries,” Yadav told PTI.
This is the sixth season of the show, which is hosted by superstar Salman Khan.
Yadav was the first one to be evicted from the house when the show began but was given a second chance to stay in the house.
He says he is not upset about being evicted again and accepts the decision of the audience.
“I am not feeling bad that I have been evicted. I think if it was my time to go and the audience doesn’t want to see me anymore then its fine. I have been evicted before so I am fine with it,” Yadav added.
On previous occasions it has been said that ‘Bigg Boss’ is scripted and the show’s host Salman has his favourites in the house.
But Yadav says there is no truth in this statement and the show is not rigged.
“There is no truth in such allegations. The show is not scripted and whatever the audience sees is happening for real. Also Salman bhai is very neutral, he is not biased towards anybody. He scolds who ever makes a mistake and appreciates the good as well.”
On being asked if not fighting and being dramatic on the show was the reason for his eviction he said, “I cannot pretend or fight unnecessarily for TRP. There are a lot of people acting inside and pretending to be what they are not but I can never do that.”
This is the second eviction for Yadav, who was a re-entry into the house.
“This is a very big platform, a lot of people have benefited from it so I hope it heps me also to build name. People know me in Bhojpuri cinema but it is important to have a name in bigger industries,” Yadav told PTI.
This is the sixth season of the show, which is hosted by superstar Salman Khan.
Yadav was the first one to be evicted from the house when the show began but was given a second chance to stay in the house.
He says he is not upset about being evicted again and accepts the decision of the audience.
“I am not feeling bad that I have been evicted. I think if it was my time to go and the audience doesn’t want to see me anymore then its fine. I have been evicted before so I am fine with it,” Yadav added.
On previous occasions it has been said that ‘Bigg Boss’ is scripted and the show’s host Salman has his favourites in the house.
But Yadav says there is no truth in this statement and the show is not rigged.
“There is no truth in such allegations. The show is not scripted and whatever the audience sees is happening for real. Also Salman bhai is very neutral, he is not biased towards anybody. He scolds who ever makes a mistake and appreciates the good as well.”
On being asked if not fighting and being dramatic on the show was the reason for his eviction he said, “I cannot pretend or fight unnecessarily for TRP. There are a lot of people acting inside and pretending to be what they are not but I can never do that.”
Bigg Boss