Bollywood is abuzz with rumors of Sonam Kapoor and Punit Malhotra’s split. Both met on the sets of ‘I Hate Luv Storys’ and love blossomed between the two in New Zealand in 2010. Sonam Kapoor is the one actress who never made her affairs public. But news of her split is public now. People says its Sonam Kapoor who has decided to part ways with famous designer Manish Malhotra’s nephew Punit Malhotra. I Hate Luv Storys was his directorial venture. But he aspires to be an actor.
The two attended Vidya Balan and Siddharth Roy Kapoor’s reception seperatly and didn’t talk to each other the whole night. A source revealed, “Tongues started wagging at producer Ronnie Screwvala’s bash for newly-weds Vidya Balan and Siddharth Roy Kapoor. Sonam who was present for the party avoided Punit like the plague. Both of them preferred to be in separate corners throughout the evening.”
There were often rumors about Sonam and Punit’s split but then they reappear catching up with a movie or attending some private functions and rumors died down a natural death. This time a source told media, “It was Sonam who decided to call it off. There had been constant buzz that the two had parted ways on and off. But this time it is for real and they have broken off.” It is being rumored that Sonam Kapoor’s busy schedule and other commitments too contributed to this split.
It is also being rumored that Sonam Kapoor’s parents Sunita and Anil Kapoor were not too happy with their daughter’s choice. They are happy with their daughter Sonam’s decision when she called off this relationship. The couple have never admitted to their relationship but they appear in functions together. They were going steady since 2010. It is better to call it quits when a relationship goes kaput and move on than keep hanging on to it and become miserable in the process.
The two attended Vidya Balan and Siddharth Roy Kapoor’s reception seperatly and didn’t talk to each other the whole night. A source revealed, “Tongues started wagging at producer Ronnie Screwvala’s bash for newly-weds Vidya Balan and Siddharth Roy Kapoor. Sonam who was present for the party avoided Punit like the plague. Both of them preferred to be in separate corners throughout the evening.”
There were often rumors about Sonam and Punit’s split but then they reappear catching up with a movie or attending some private functions and rumors died down a natural death. This time a source told media, “It was Sonam who decided to call it off. There had been constant buzz that the two had parted ways on and off. But this time it is for real and they have broken off.” It is being rumored that Sonam Kapoor’s busy schedule and other commitments too contributed to this split.
It is also being rumored that Sonam Kapoor’s parents Sunita and Anil Kapoor were not too happy with their daughter’s choice. They are happy with their daughter Sonam’s decision when she called off this relationship. The couple have never admitted to their relationship but they appear in functions together. They were going steady since 2010. It is better to call it quits when a relationship goes kaput and move on than keep hanging on to it and become miserable in the process.