The trailer of David Dhawan’s Chashme Baddoor, which stars Ali Zafar, Siddharth, Divyendu Sharma and Taapsee Pannu has been loved by audiences. With the tagline becoming an instant hit, the team has launched their first exclusive song ‘Har Ek Friend Kamina Hota Hai’.
The trio of Ali Zafar, Siddharth and Divyendu Sharma are seen enjoying in the song, which reminds people of the fun they had with their kamina friends. Sonu Nigam’s vocals and the super hit pair of Sajid-Wajid have taken the fun number to another level. The lyrics of the song are wacky, hummable and it grows on you.
The hilarious song gives a feel of the 90’s David Dhawan, and is fast becoming the most awaited movie of the year.
The movie revolves around a bromance with a twist in the tale and is slated to release on 5th April. A story of three friends Ali Zafar, Divyendu Sharma, Taapsee Pannu and Siddharth, staying together in a house in Goa, two friends being womanizers and third friend likes to live a subtle and normal life until all changes when a girl comes in their neighborhood.
The trio of Ali Zafar, Siddharth and Divyendu Sharma are seen enjoying in the song, which reminds people of the fun they had with their kamina friends. Sonu Nigam’s vocals and the super hit pair of Sajid-Wajid have taken the fun number to another level. The lyrics of the song are wacky, hummable and it grows on you.
The hilarious song gives a feel of the 90’s David Dhawan, and is fast becoming the most awaited movie of the year.
The movie revolves around a bromance with a twist in the tale and is slated to release on 5th April. A story of three friends Ali Zafar, Divyendu Sharma, Taapsee Pannu and Siddharth, staying together in a house in Goa, two friends being womanizers and third friend likes to live a subtle and normal life until all changes when a girl comes in their neighborhood.