Rumours have been doing the rounds that Ranbir Kapoor will be seen dancing with diva Madhuri Dixit in his upcoming film Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani. The actor himself is unsure if it’s going to happen. However, the heart-throb who is a self proclaimed fan of Madhuri is keeping his fingers crossed.
Ranbir has time and again proved his dancing prowess in songs like Bachna Ae Haseeno and Main Tera Dhadkan Teri. It would be a treat for his fans to see him yet again and that too with Madhuri.
“Yes, even I have heard about it but nothing is confirmed yet. But I am really looking forward if I can work with Madhuriji,” said Ranbir recently while launching Blackberry’s latest handset.
He added, “I have been a big fan of hers, big admirer. I remember when she got married, I also cried. So, it would be great fun working with her. But I don’t know whether they have confirmed it yet.”
Ranbir had a chance to groove with Madhuri whn he had gone to promote his film, Barfi! on the reality show Jhalak Dikhla Jaa where Madhuri was a judge.
Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani which is to release on May 31st, will see Ranbir Kapoor romancing his ex-flame Deepika Padukone.
He says Deepika’s success makes him feel proud.
“It’s always great to see someone whom you have been so close to reach where she has because of her hard work, resilience, vision and intelligence. I am very proud of everything she has achieved,” he said.
Ranbir has time and again proved his dancing prowess in songs like Bachna Ae Haseeno and Main Tera Dhadkan Teri. It would be a treat for his fans to see him yet again and that too with Madhuri.
“Yes, even I have heard about it but nothing is confirmed yet. But I am really looking forward if I can work with Madhuriji,” said Ranbir recently while launching Blackberry’s latest handset.
He added, “I have been a big fan of hers, big admirer. I remember when she got married, I also cried. So, it would be great fun working with her. But I don’t know whether they have confirmed it yet.”
Ranbir had a chance to groove with Madhuri whn he had gone to promote his film, Barfi! on the reality show Jhalak Dikhla Jaa where Madhuri was a judge.
Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani which is to release on May 31st, will see Ranbir Kapoor romancing his ex-flame Deepika Padukone.
He says Deepika’s success makes him feel proud.
“It’s always great to see someone whom you have been so close to reach where she has because of her hard work, resilience, vision and intelligence. I am very proud of everything she has achieved,” he said.