Shekhar Ravijani met Shah Rukh Khan at a recording studio and played the track ‘Saanvli’. Shah Rukh Khan liked the track instantly and agreed to feature in the video, which will be directed by noted Marathi film director Ravi Jadhav.
It’s a romantic number and it is just apt that Shah Rukh Khan plays a part in the video. Shekhar also has confirmed that Shah Rukh is going to make an appearance in the music video.
The song is written by Amitabh Bhattacharya and sung by Sunidhi Chauhan.
The star managed to sing a few lines from a song in his upcoming film ‘Chennai Express’ during the trailer launch, which incidentally is also composed by Vishal – Shekhar.
While Shah Rukh Khan may not sing the lines on his own, his presence in the video is only enough to make it a huge success.
shah rukh khan