Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, who won the Star Plus audience jodi of the year award for Yeh Jawaani hai Deewani at the 14th IIFA awards here, said that she missed her co-star Ranbir Kapoor who was not present at the awards.
"I miss Ranbir today. Thank you so much, Ayan, for making me look so wonderful in the film. I miss you and I love you," she said on receiving the awards.
Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani has been directed by Ayan Mukerji and stars Deepika, Ranbir, Kalki Koechlin and Aditya Roy Kapur. The film clicked at the box office.
"I miss Ranbir today. Thank you so much, Ayan, for making me look so wonderful in the film. I miss you and I love you," she said on receiving the awards.
Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani has been directed by Ayan Mukerji and stars Deepika, Ranbir, Kalki Koechlin and Aditya Roy Kapur. The film clicked at the box office.