Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan shook hands at Baba Siddique’s Iftar party on Saturday night. This is the first time in the last five years that both the Khans’ have acknowledged each other’s presence.
Shah Rukh Khan and Salim Khan were seated at the chief minister’s table, along with other ministers and important guests. The Dabangg actor walked around the table greeting people. When Salman reached Shah Rukh’s side, one could feel the tension in the air. Everyone waited with baited breath to see what would happen next. SRK kept a straight face and looked ahead to avoid an awkward moment. That’s when Salman tapped him on his shoulder and extended his hand for a shake. SRK got up and hugged him.
Suddenly there was an excitement and everyone around began clicking pictures. A source present said, “They did not speak after that. If Salman had ignored only Shah Rukh at the table, it would have been very uncomfortable for everyone present at the Iftar party. It was really gracious of him to make the first move. SRK, was quick to react with a warm smile and a genuine hug.”