Bigg Boss host Salman Khan recently asked the pretty model how old is she and she promptly replied 29-years-old. She, however, forgot that she has already celebrated her 29th birthday two years ago on a reality show. Her admission of being 29 is rather amusing and it means that she has either forgotten that she had made that announcement two years ago, or she is suffering from some kind of amnesia.
Quoting a source, a Mid-Day report says that the whole public watched her celebrate her 29th birthday on a reality show two years ago. Hence, it is rather funny to see her hiding her true age and makes us wonder if she lied about her age then too.
The report further did some calculations to guess her real age. In 2003 she was engaged to filmmaker Sajid Khan, after which they got separated. Hence, by her admission was she just 19 when she got married.