Contestant Sangram Singh, who hasn’t been involved in many brawls in the house, is predicted to be the winner of Bigg Boss 7 by numerologist Sanjay B Jumaani who foretold the winners of last three season of the show.
Jumaani, on the social networking site, has chosen Sangram as his first choice followed by VJ Andy on the show. His prediction seems to be getting true as Singh was the first contestant to reach to the top in Monday’s episode.
The numerologist earlier predicted Shweta Tiwari, Juhi Parmar and Urvashi Dholakia as the winners of the season four, five and six respectively.
Jumaani submerges the numbers and stars of Sangram and quotes, “Sangram's name adds up to 36 (9). Cancer ruler is number 2, moon, and Sangram is in his 29th (2) year. Number 9, Mars, lends fighting qualities. Not only is Salman a number 9, three of the past six BB winners have also been number 9 (Rahul Roy, Vindu Dara Singh and Urvashi)," says Jumaani.
So, will it be consecutively fourth time in a row for him?