On Friday, a day before Sofia Hayat was evicted from Bigg Boss house, she was attacked by the ever-volatile Armaan Kohli. A traumatized Sofia has come out of the ordeal vowing to teach the bully a lesson. “I am filing a police complaint against Armaan. On Thursday, when I was playing around with a mop acting as a car-wash woman, Armaan snatched away the mop and hit me with it.”
Armaan’s brutality has left Sofia shaken. “I suffer from an anxiety condition, and I sometimes suffer from panic attacks. I take medication to keep calm. Armaan knew about my condition. He used that information against me on camera calling me a freak and an idiot. What kind of a vile man would use someone’s weaknesses on camera?”
The last straw was the physical attack. “Hitting a woman with a mop...What more proof do we need that the man is a beast? I should’ve slapped him before I left. Now if I get in a boxing ring I’d drug him and hit him hard.” The singer and actress from London doubts whether Armaan and Tanishaa are really close. “I really don’t see them as being genuine about their feelings. It is said if you are seen to be in a relationship in Bigg Boss house you stay in longer. I feel it’s a strategy. Very honestly, I don’t know how any woman can tolerate a man who is violent and abusive.”
Sofia says she was the odd one out in the house. “I had a language problem to begin with. Then the whole atmosphere was so vitiated. In the beginning, it was all very confusing. I thought Andy was my close friend. He finally betrayed me.” She did come away with friends, though. “Gauhar is the one friend I cherish from the experience. Also Andy. I also like Kamya. But she is too busy trying to please everybody. Would I want to go back to Bigg Boss again? I don’t think so. I had never seen the show when I agreed to be on it. When I went in there I realized you have to be an expert pretender to survive in the game. I have never been much of a liar. I can’t lie to others, let alone to myself. So no. Never again. I just hope I looked dignified on camera.” Sofia isn’t going back to London right away. “I have a movie offer. Let’s see if that materializes.”