Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor and B-Town leggy lass Deepika Padukone might have parted ways but their Jodi is still considered one of the most wonderful Jodi of Bollywood and this can be observed with stupendous show of their blockbuster flick "Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewaani". Observing the same filmmaker Imtiaz Ali has roped in the good looking pair in his next titled "Window Seat".
Interestingly, Imtaiz's film title "Window Seat", is much similar to the kind of films he made. Ali's films mostly are based on travelling, like "Jab We Met", "Love Aaj Kal" etc.
Incidentally, Imtiaz's upcoming film's title also matches the name of his production house.
A source close to the project said, Imtiaz kept the film's name similar to his production house's name because the name is very close to his heart.
Well, we hope that this year also Junior Kapoor and Dippy's film mints the same business and receives the same appreciation as it did last year.