A special TV series on Batwoman is on its way...

Cartoon Network teams up with DC for expanding Batwoman series, coming soon in December

American television network The CW has teamed up with DC’s small-screen universe mastermind Greg Berlanti to expand the project of “Batwoman” Television series. The character of “Batwoman” will officially be introduced in December as part of The CW’s annual DC series crossover event, reports hollywoodreporter.com.

The series revolves around Kate Kane, who, armed with a passion for social justice and flair for speaking her mind, soars onto the streets of Gotham as Batwoman, an out lesbian and highly trained street fighter primed to snuff out the failing city’s criminal resurgence.  “Batwoman” will be written by the writer Caroline Dries, who has worked with The CW on ”Vampire Diaries”.

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