While Katrina Kaif is still recuperating at home after having taken ill due excessive exhaustion, Ranbir Kapoor has planned to whisk his girl away for a quick holiday at Barcelona. This puts a lid on the rumours that all is not rosy between Bollywood's hottest couple. The duo reportedly had a fight at Arjun Kapoor's birthday bash five days back.
The two actors who have choc-a-bloc shooting schedules, some how manage to squeeze out time for each other and this is not the first time they will be vacationing together. During the New Years, the couple were spotted in New York.
This time, the couple will join Ayan Mukerji who is already on a long vacation. A source to the couple told TOI, "Ayan is covering Istanbul, Barcelona and a few cities in US. He has already left and Ranbir and Katrina are supposed to join him. The duo were supposed to fly out this week, but they had to postpone the plan as Katrina fell ill." Both Ranbir and Katrina remained unavailable for comment.
The two actors who have choc-a-bloc shooting schedules, some how manage to squeeze out time for each other and this is not the first time they will be vacationing together. During the New Years, the couple were spotted in New York.
This time, the couple will join Ayan Mukerji who is already on a long vacation. A source to the couple told TOI, "Ayan is covering Istanbul, Barcelona and a few cities in US. He has already left and Ranbir and Katrina are supposed to join him. The duo were supposed to fly out this week, but they had to postpone the plan as Katrina fell ill." Both Ranbir and Katrina remained unavailable for comment.